Wednesday, 28 September 2011


The Didgeridoo is a long, slightly conical wooden instrument, used traditionally by the Aboriginal people of Northern Australia. Other names for the Didgeridoo are Yirdaki, Kanbi, and Ihambilbilg - although at least 40 different Aboriginal names are commonly used for this instrument throughout Australia. Known as the oldest wind instrument in the world, the origins of the didge may go back as far as 40,000 years. Though only one "note" can be played with the didge (called a drone), overtones and vocal sounds from the player give it a rich sound and countless textures.

A technique called "circular breathing" allows the player to play the instrument for long periods of time, without a break in the sound. The technique also yields rhythmic patterns of the players breath, as well as rhythms that can be generated purposefully by the diaphragm muscles. As well as traditional termite-hollowed Eucalyptus, didgeridoos are now also made from other natural and modern materials. Modern players now integrate the didge into their own non-Aboriginal "western" styles of playing, in music ranging from solo playing, to world, rock, ambient, techno, and every style of music.
A collection of Didgeridoo's

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